Sunday, November 21, 2010

Nathan's Blog

I am going to do this blog on section 13-4. These are the rules for fractions.
1.) If the top exponent is equal to the bottom exponent the answer is coefficient
2.) If the top exponent is greater than the bottom exponent answer is +- infinite
3.) If the top exponent is less than the bottom exponent answer is 0

Examples: All equations have lim/n→(infinite)
n^2+1/2n^2-3n=1/2 (exponents are equal; take coefficients)
7n^3/4n^2-5=infinite (top exponent is greater)
-n^2/n+1= -infinite

Now I will go over section 13-5 which deals with the sum of an infinite geometric series. The formula is: sn=t1/1-r

To write a repeating decimal as a fraction: number repeating/last place-1
ex. .4646=46/100-1=46/99

Find the sum of the infinite geometrice series.

r=-6/9=-2/3; 4/-6=-2/3

Write .5(repeating) as a fraction.

Overall, these sections were pretty easy. If you don't know your formulas, then you might have a little trouble with the sections in chapter 13. Happy Turkey Day.

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