This weekk we went over matrices yayy! it was either chapter 4 or 14, i dont remember. matrices are probably the easiest thing we have done so far this year.
When you add two matrices together, you just add the two numbers that line up with each other in the two matrices. the same goes for subtracting.
Ex: [2 4] + [6 3]= [8 7]
[5 2] [8 1] [13 3]
When you multiply matrices, you have to check the dimensions first. Take for example, if you have a 2x3 matrix, and a 3x1, you can multiply these because the two inside numbers are the same. if you have a 2x1 and a 5x2, you can't multiply these.
Ex: [2 1] x [1 0]= [2+2 0+2] = [4 2]
[3 5] [2 2] [3+10 0+10] [13 10]
so that is pretty much the overall of matrices, i like matrices the most in math. they are kinda cool, i guesssssss. yeahh so thats all(:
the matrices are kinda messed up. sorryyy.